Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

America is a great country and we thank all the brave men and women who have fought for us and our FREEDOM. May this day encourage us to come together in unity, peace, and prosperity. THANK YOU!

NPR posted an article with good tips to help keep your pets comfortable and safe while the fireworks are going on. Unfortunately, this time of year is when there is a significant increase in pets getting loose, running away trying to escape the loud noises and trembling in fear.

We have compiled a few items we have found helpful.

  • Increase the soundproofing area around your pets den/crate/personal area. We love using moving blankets for their thickness and padding and layer them around a pet’s den/crate.

  • Avoid going outside while the fireworks are going on.

  • Use white noise, easy listening music, and sound machines that will help to dampen the outside noise. A favorite on Alexa is “classical music for reading.”

  • Pick up CBD oil, or calming types of treats.

  • Use a thunder shirt for your dog.

  • Have a high-value treat that they can focus on - such as a raw beef bone or lamb shank. Here is one I commonly order from Whole Foods. As long as the bone is raw, it is safe for your pet to consume and work away at in one sitting. Dispose of the remainder if anything is left after an hour or so.

  • Comfort your furry companion. Our pets hear sounds at greater levels than humans do. Their hearing is so acute that they can hear at frequencies humans do not hear at! So, while this is impressive, it also explains why we advocate for lower volumes on the music levels in vehicles and at home. And, it’s also a reminder that yes - our pets are really ignoring us when we call out… except for when you open the treat bag or the chip bag ever so quietly and they come running from a dead sleep. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

Thank you for being part of our DCDS Family!

🇺🇸 We wish you a safe 4th of July Celebration! 🇺🇸

Patriotic Dogs